~~ News Bulletin~~

Will post most of the happenings around me !! To Keep You All Update... :P ~~Welcome To My Life ~~

Saturday, September 24, 2005

London Trip...

On the 1st week, the University have provide us 2 trips which is London and St ALban's trip.....
That's why we have been to London already, London is a nice place with attractive famous buildings like "LONDON BRIDGE", London Eye, Westminster and etc....

<< Hot tourist location>>
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At the street

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At the bridge

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London Eye

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Cool...I Like This Picture....

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

St Alban

The Cathedral and Abbey Church of Saint Alban is the seat of the Bishop of St Albans and serves the Diocese of St Albans in the counties of Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, the Borough of Luton and the London Borough of Barnet. The Cathedral is also a parish church with a large and active congregation.The Dean , the Very Reverend Dr Jeffrey John, who is also the Rector of the Parish of St Albans Abbey, is head of the cathedral establishment.

Our cathedral mission is to respond to God as a community and place of prayer and worship, proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ and acting upon it by….

  • becoming the people of God in this place as a Christian congregation, together with fellow Christian Churches
  • providing a focus and resource for the Bishop and Diocese of St Albans
  • taking risks to witness to God’s love, peace and justice in the steps of Saint Alban
  • welcoming visitors and offering them a vision of hope
  • enhancing and conserving the cathedral as a holy place

The Cathedral and Abbey Church of Saint Alban is a body corporate with perpetual succession and a common seal and is governed in accordance with its Constitution and Statutes the latest versions of which were approved by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York on the 6th April 2000 and came into force on 9th May 2000.


This is the church that I've been to...It was really a huge church.....COOL...

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A picture of the chruch from southwest

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Inside the church

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View from the sky

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Memory Stone Nearby the Church

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St. Alban Shop Lot

Saturday, September 17, 2005

University Of Hertfordshire

Well...After my degree... I started to plan my next move....
I plan to further my study in UK (England).....
The world there is totally different from Malaysia....
The weather here is 18-22 degrees every day....No wonder People here can wear more than 3 layers of shirt... :P
when winter comes...it will gets colder.....and this will happen soon.....

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The place I'm staying now is known as "Hertfordshire"
Is a place situated north of London...
It takes 30 minutes from Hatfield Station to London by Train..

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Below are some pictures of me and my gal's room...

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My Room

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Kelly's Room

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My Wardrobe
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